On June 12,
2016, the US and, by extension, the world woke up to reports of a mass killing
in a nightclub in Orlando Florida. Initial reports put the number of deaths at
20; however, by evening of that day, the death toll had risen to 50, including
the shooter, and 53 wounded - most of them critically. As someone who has, over
the years, become immune to these stories of mass killings, which seem to have
become an accepted fabric of the American culture, what caught my attention
were the patrons of the place the killings occurred –a nightclub largely
patronized by gays, lesbians, and trans-gender people, or LGBT for short.
I had
largely ignored the LGBT community, and their complaints of discrimination,
abuse, assault, condemnation, and taunting by the so-called straight
people. I have always wondered why
ordinary human beings should congregate themselves into an association, group,
or community, design their own flags, form their own churches and schools, and
seek special protection from government when, in my eyes, there is no reason to
do so. In my mind, their complaints were largely exaggerated and their demands misplaced
in a society like the United States. I argued in my mind that if this was
Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, Kuwait, or Guinea then their complains and
quest for special designation and protection will be well-deserved; but this is
America where freedom reigns, where liberty is preached from the rooftops,
highways and bye-ways; where you can be what you want to be, say what you want
to say (as long as you are not in politics), and do whatever it is that brings
joy to your heart – just as long as you remember your tax obligations to Uncle
Sam. This was until June 12, 2016.
Hate is real
The mistake
we make (at least, I do) in life is our belief that as long as we hate no one,
no one will hate us in return; as long as we are friendly to everyone, and bear
no grudges against anyone, no one will do so against us; or that if we look the
same or come from the same tribe and/or tongue, we are incapable of hating one
another. Oh, how wrong we could be. I had my first dose of hatred in the month
of July, 1987; the day remains so clear in my head because I was barely six
months in the country and a novice when it comes to cultures and norms in my
new home. I worked in a family-owned restaurant on Skillman Street in Dallas as
a busboy, and one of only two blacks; one would have expected a fraternal bond,
right? Wrong. To an African, every black man is automatically a brother, and I
(mis)took my colleague as one, expecting guidance from him. Unfortunately, not
only did our conversations never go beyond brief greetings, nothing else
developed. His true feelings for me came out the day one of the chefs asked him
if he has been teaching “your brother” the ropes (he was a waiter). He went off
on this horrible tirade on the poor Hispanic chef and admonished him for
calling “some fucking African” his brother. I was shocked and horrified, and
that comment stuck to my heart like a knife till this day.
In college,
I experienced and witnessed some more of the ridicule and hate generally
directed at African students, not so much by the white community but by fellow
blacks. I also witnessed the reciprocity, though veiled from African students.
I remember writing a paper in one of my English classes that played down the
importance of the Civil Rights struggle, especially the policy of non-violence
response in the face of violence, and suggesting that blacks acted out of fear
instead of need; it drew a firestorm from my fellow blacks, and a lecture on the
history of black suffering in this country. Remember, all these happened in my
first two years in this country.
As the years
went by, events began to gradually move the veil of indifference and denial
from my eyes, and a clearer picture of the level and types of hatred which
pervade the American society began to develop. Hatred in the American society
is not one-dimensional, it is multi-dimensional and reciprocal; it cuts across
religion, culture, race, ethnic origin, social beliefs, and even class. It is
insidiously encouraged by politicians, businesses, religious leaders of various
practices, grandparents, and interest groups. That is how society ends up with
pitch battles between pro and anti-gun groups, pro and anti-abortion groups,
pro and anti-immigration groups, pro and anti-Israel groups, and pro and
ant-Muslim groups; the pro and anti-police groups, Oath Keepers versus Black
Panthers, and the Bloods against the Crips. Right in the middle of these
warring groups and factions are politicians and business owners playing one
against the other to amass profits and campaign contributions.
“Even if they elect a president today
who ……..
Just as the
case with every one of these mass killings, out-pouring of emotions, words of
solidarity, unity and support followed the Orlando mass killing. Politicians
blamed and defended each other’s gun policies; gun rights advocates defended
their rights to bear arms as provided in the constitution, and blamed the
person, not the guns, for the massacre; long and winding speeches fell over
themselves in eloquence, and all kinds of “experts” – America is never short of
them – offered analysis and opinions on what went wrong where and why; psychologists,
as they are wont to do, offered possible reasons on what could have triggered the shooter, and
law enforcement turned up every stone in search of external links to ISIS and
the hundreds of terror organizations that generate huge revenue for arms
merchants. The president, as expected, visited and made his plea as he has been
doing for 8 years, and many charity organizations set up tents and supplied
priests to assist, counsel and console grieving families. All of these, though
commendable, will pass along with the last burial ceremonies; the LGBT will
gain a few sympathetic minds during this ordeal, and some politicians will make
the expected attempt to tighten gun laws, but all of these will last until the
next mass killing.
The Orlando
shooting and the many stories by survivors, friends and family members of the
deceased, and many others in faraway cities and states, of the sufferings of
the LGBT community in America and other parts of the world finally convinced me
of the existence of a similarity between their situation and those of Black
Americans before Civil Rights (and beyond), Jews, and many other social,
cultural or ethnic minority groups in the world. It offered a better
understanding of their need for special classification and protection. As a
patron of the Pulse night club admitted during a radio interview: “we know we
live in a time and society that hates us and wants to kill, but we will not
give in to hate. We cannot die, because we are not a person; we are a spirit.
If we elect a president in this country who wants to kill us all, I will be in front
of the line…” I personally hope we never degenerate to a state where we would
elect a president that will order the killing of all LGBT people, just for
their lifestyle.
Mixed messages from the pulpit
Much of the
hatred directed at LGBT people is borne out of the misinterpretation of the teachings
of the bible. Yes, as a Christian one is taught that homosexually is not
acceptable, and I believe that. Ironically, the same bible and Christian
teachings impressed upon us that it is against our beliefs to treat someone
differently; we are supposedly all children of One God, and discrimination
against another is discrimination against God. Love one another, the Bible
said, as God loves us. Unfortunately, most of our religious leaders us their
opportunities at the pulpit to preach division and hate, and many of their
followers and listeners act upon such preaching. It was heart-warming for me to
hear a prominent Dallas pastor, on the day of the Orlando massacre, strongly
insist that Christians are only required to understand that homosexuality is
unchristian, and not to hate or harm such persons.
The US
constitution emphasizes the importance of freedom of choice and equality of all
creation. The separation of people by race, gender, ethnic origin, and
religious preference is nowhere in the constitution; however, politicians, in
their quest for influence and votes, have divided the people along these lines
and the result is the frequent massacre of Americans that we witness weekly, in
the guise of one thing or the other. We have even appended causes for these
mass killings depending on race: if you are a white mass killer, you have a
mental problem and forgot to take your medication; if you are a born or
converted Muslim, you are a terrorist with links to major terror organizations
based in some foreign land. If you are black, you are angry and frustrated, and
if you are a police officer, you feared for your life.
The Second Amendment,
as originally intended, was in support of the right to self-defense, resistance
to oppression, and civilian involvement in the defense of the state. You can
agree with me that none of the mass killings in the US today has any
relationship with any of the original intents; not Columbine, not Newtown, not
Virginia Tech, not Charleston, and
definitely not Pulse night club in Orlando. Yet, the National Rifle
Association, and many politicians who benefit financially from the NRA and gun
manufacturers have stoked alarm and fear of disarmament in the minds of mostly
gullible citizens who, in return, have boosted sales of guns and fattened the
pockets of executives of gun manufacturing companies and their families, while
leaving a trail of blood, tears, and broken families crisscrossing the entire
US landscape.
An abridged chronicle of US mass
killings and fatality counts:
Camden, New
Jersey – September 1949 – 13 people
of Texas, Austin – August, 1966 – 16 people
San Ysidro,
California – July, 1984 – 21 people
Oklahoma – August, 1986 – 14 people
Texas – October, 1991 – 23 people
H.S, Littleton, Colorado – April, 1999 – 12 people
Tech University, Blacksburg, VA – April 2007 – 32 people
Nebraska – December, 2007 – 8 people
County, Alabama – March, 2009 – 10 people
NY – April 2009 – 13 people
Fort Hood,
Texas – November, 2009 – 13 people
Connecticut – August, 2010 – 8 people
Arizona – January, 2011 – 6 people
Sea Beach,
California – October, 2011 – 8 people
California – April, 2012 – 7 people
Colorado – July 20, 2012 – 12 people
Connecticut – December 14, 2012 – 26 people
Herkimer, NY
– March, 2013 – 4 people
Monica, CA – June, 2013 – 5 people
DC – September, 16 – 12 people
Community College, Oregon – October, 2015 – 9 people
Alturas, CA
– February, 21 2014 – 4 people
Isla Vista,
CA – May, 2014 – 6 people
Washington – October 24, 2014 – 5 people
SC – June 17, 1015 – 9 people
Oregon – October, 2015 – 10 people
Bernardino, CA – December 2015 – 14 people
Springs, CO – November 2015 – 3 people
Florida – June 12, 2016 – 49 people
A couple of
things are worth noting here:
1. This total – 371 - number of American casualties occurred
not in the hands of an outside enemy, during a war, or from series of natural
disasters; instead, these were American citizens killing each other out of hate;
frustration with their lives, the system, or their relationships; for
adventure, and/or just testing out their new guns and,
2. This does not include other murders committed by gangs,
the police, scorned spouses and jealous lovers, business partners because of deals
gone badly, and suicides. It does not, also, include the 168 people who died in
the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, which was clearly a terrorist act.
It will be forlorn
to hope that the recent massacre in Orlando will awaken the American conscience
into action, because Newtown did not achieve that; it is equally self-deceiving
to expect the outpouring of support and emotions for the LGBT community to ease
or reduce the level of hate directed against them. Because ours has become a
nation determined to beat itself back into the age the Second Amendment was
written and passed into law, the recent mass shooting will result, like others
before it, in increased gun sales and usage. We are all waiting with bated
breath for the next mass killing, because it has become an American culture
like baseball and apple pie. At least, for me, the veil of ignorance is finally