The headline of this piece may sound like a bedtime story
for toddlers, the title of a comic play in your local theater, or a folktale by
an old woman in an African village; unfortunately, as much as we may wish it to
be any of the above, it is neither. Instead, it is about the core support
group, or base, of the GOP front-runner in the 2016 US presidential primaries,
billionaire businessman Donald Trump, or Trump for short.
I first heard of “angry white men” in early 2008 when then
Senator Barack Obama was running in the DNC primaries for nomination as its
presidential candidate. The closer he got towards securing the nomination, the
“angrier” these white men became.
GOP-controlled, or “conservative” Television houses and newspaper
headlines screamed of dire consequences for gun owners if Obama became
president; of Blacks running rampant all over the White House, frying chicken
wings and cooking pig feet all day, rubbing hair grease all over the walls of
Fortune 500 companies and the hallowed chambers of government offices. They
warned of the imminent desecration of Honest Abe’s room, Washington’s bed, and
Kennedy’s reading table. White Americans, male and female trooped to the gun
stores to stock up on both military-style rifles and your average Saturday
Night specials, on the rumor that Obama will abolish the 2nd
Amendment, and ship all the guns to some Utopian Peninsula. They bought for
their wives, sons yet unborn, and their toddler daughters. Some even took
second mortgages on their homes so they can buy specially modified
Throughout the eight years of the Obama presidency, these
white men have been getting angrier. Realizing that, contrary to their fears, no
one has taken anyone’s guns, they resorted to complaining about loss of jobs to
immigrants, outsourcing of American jobs to Asia and India, erosion of American
might and influence abroad, recognition of gay and lesbian rights, same-sex
laws, ISIS, homegrown terrorism, and everything else on the surface of the
earth. They took out their anger on fellow Americans in elementary schools,
churches, colleges and universities, workplaces, apartment complexes, parks and
playgrounds, and even in private homes. Not to be outdone, security agencies
joined tem, with police killing skyrocketing in the second term of the Obama
presidency. “Fear for my life” became a general excuse for police killings, and
minorities – especially blacks Hispanics, whether sleeping, handcuffed,
pregnant, riding your bike around your house, asking for help after an
accident, talking to your wife on a street corner, or just simply buying a
birthday gift for your nephew at a Walmart – were at the receiving ends of
these police guns. Membership in
organizations like KKK, Aryan Brotherhood, and National Rifle Association
soared to astronomical heights. Amidst all of these activities, two other consumer
goods, besides guns, struggled to keep pace with the level of demand spurred by
the anger of these white men: alcohol and cigarettes.
Categories of White
Angry Men
Who Are These Angry Men? Good question. There are two groups
of white angry men:
The first group are the small business owners
who make barely above the national income average; this group run small sole proprietorship like
roadside restaurants, car repair shops, cable & wireless technicians,
landscaping, HVAC services, hotshot delivery services, roofing and general
plumbing services, and towing services.
Compared to their Hispanic or Asian counterparts in the same category,
they work less hours, have a narrow clients’ list (mostly whites), and their
service prices are non-negotiable. On top of that, most of them have poor
workmanship. They have huge mortgage payments, expensive hubbies like hunting
or fishing which requires expensive “toys” like guns and boats they could
hardly afford. On top of their
mortgages, they are likely to own the latest trucks, RVs, and/or supped up
Harley-Davidson motorcycles. Their many credit cards are mostly maxed out; they
spend their weekends at Hooters and other sports grill and bars, and go on
vacations at least once every year, all charged on an ever-increasing credit
card debt.
The second group of angry white men works your
typical 9-to-5 jobs in warehouses, manufacturing plants, junk yards, car dealerships,
distribution centers, work in their family companies, or as outside salesmen in
major companies. Some also work as automobile, cable and communication
technicians for major companies. In the
course of their daily work activities, they interact with colleagues of other
races and ethnic origins, including Hispanics, Asians, Africans, and people of
Middle Eastern origin most of whom are immigrants.
This group of young white men typically display an
air of superiority over the rest of their colleagues; they believe their
company should pay them better (which is the practice in most companies), cut
them some slack when it comes to frequency and length of break and lunch times.
They take more smoke breaks than everyone else, rarely work overtime unless it
is mandatory, are the first to clock out – usually a few minutes before time,
are less productive than their immigrant counterparts, and are easily stressed
and frustrated at work. They, also, are more likely to change jobs more
frequently than their counterparts from other races and cultures. They are less
likely to interact with other cultures and races at work, and more likely to go
for a drink at the end of the work day. They are less likely to own shares in
their places of employment, and invest only the allowable minimum percentage of
their gross income – 3% - in a retirement plan like 401(k). They are, equally, less likely to carry full
insurance coverage in their workplaces, and more likely to listen to, or watch,
anti-immigrant/minority radio and TV stations.
So, why are they angry?
Reason for their
Alleged Anger
Though these groups of white men are constantly referred to
as angry, not many of them can clearly explain specific reasons for their anger,
or how they are personally affected by the situation they highlight. Some of
the general reasons offered by them include blaming immigrants – especially
Mexican immigrants - for taking over their jobs; Chinese taking over American
companies and jobs; Blacks bleeding the social security system dry, and America
weakening and losing international respect under President Obama. On close
analysis of each of these reasons, which are usually hyped by the news media
and politicians, one can easily poke major holes in each of them:
In the case of Mexicans and other immigrants
taking over American jobs, they are only taking the jobs rejected by the white
man. An average red-blooded white American male will rather go hungry than work
as a housekeeper, dishwasher or busboy in some hotel or restaurant, except he
is a college student; they will not be seen any time soon on the streets under
the Texas summer heat doing construction work, patching up potholes, mowing the
lawn, picking trash on public parks and highways, or sorting recycling
materials at the city dump. Apart from private farmers, a typical white
American young man will not spend hours and days in the citrus farms of Florida
picking oranges, or in the slaughter houses of Pilgrim’s Pride cleaning and
packaging frozen chicken. On rare occasions where you come across one willing
to do such menial jobs, it is usually on part time and temporary basis, just to
make up for cash shortfall. To the immigrant, such a job is a source of
survival for self and extended families, and he will do it longer and better
while at the same time learning a trade or going to college to better his life.
2. About the Chinese taking over American
companies, that is also not the case; Americans move their companies overseas
in search of cheap labor, lower corporate tax, and less regulated environment. A
typical iPhone 6 cost around $600 in the US because the assembly staff is paid
pennies on the dollar in some Asian country. Now, comparing unit costs in
relation to product price: an American phone parts assembly staff is likely to
belong to a union which will demand higher wages for their members, all kinds
of insurance coverages, and some other unnecessary emoluments which adds to the
unit cost of an iPhone. All these extras will help drive up the sale price of
the phone, and reduce sales volume, because not many people can afford to buy
it. So, instead of and average price of $600 per phone, the price of a
domestically-assembled IPhone could rise as high as $900. When sales volume
falls, production falls, and the resultant effect is staff reduction. So, if
Americans want the companies to stop moving overseas, they need to consider
accepting lower wages so the products could be cheaper.
On the allegation of blacks bleeding the welfare
and social services system dry due to their laziness, by actual numbers, the
ratio of whites to blacks on welfare is estimated to be 6:1. What these angry
white men, and their media and political trumpeters are quick to do is refer to
population percentages. Yes, blacks make up about 12.5% of the US population of
310m, which is about 40m; now, if 3% is on welfare, this will be about 1.2m
blacks on some form of government assistance. Now, let us run the numbers for
whites using the same 3% rate of a population of 310 million: at 72% of this
population estimate, there are about 223m whites. If 3% of them are on some
kind of government assistance, the number will be about 6.6m. So you see, it is
a fallacy to blame blacks for the problems with welfare and social security
The other false claim is about America losing
international respect under Obama. First, there is no other nation greater than
America today, or in the last 8 years, in terms of the two major indices –
military and economic might. Yes, there are slips in academic achievements when
compared to other industrialized nations, but these slips are more of
individual and family failings, and not a collective American failure. Obama
has been used as a target of blame by most white men for America’s individual
failings, to the extent that even those who choose to abuse their spouses blame
it on Obama; the same reason for families having reproductive difficulties, drunks
electing to squander their earnings on Jim Beam, farm animals producing less
milk and eggs, colleges failing to win NCAA tournaments, water pollution in
Flint, mass murders in Newtown, South Carolina, and even police killings are
all blamed on Obama. Before ever Obama won the presidency, angry white men had openly
declared their hatred and disdain for him, not as a person, but as a black
person occupying the White House, and that has not changed till date. So, while
it is very convenient for them to blame their personal failings on him, it is
far from the truth. Reality is that most of these so-called angry white men are
simply lazy; they refuse to better their lives, even in the midst of
opportunities. To them, 8 years of Obama serves up an excuse for them to wallow
in their laziness while blaming their misfortune on someone else.
Core Beliefs and
It is difficult to
pin-point their core beliefs and preferences, because these change with whoever
is in the white House. To them, American greatness is only projected through
war; as long as America is not at war, it cannot be said to be great. Unfortunately,
they fail to make a correlation between the cost of such wars and the current
economic downturn. They equally ignore the human cost in personal, family, and communal lives,
including the social cost to governments at every level. Ironically, if the
nation finds itself in a prolonged war, as was the case with Iraq and
Afghanistan, this same group of people will be in the forefront of the protest
marches demanding an end to the war.
These group of white men will endorse and support any
government policy that appears to negatively impact minorities and immigrants,
like voter restriction laws, re-drawing of congressional maps to favor a white
candidate even when whites are in the minority in that district, and deep cuts
in social welfare services for the elderly and very poor, without factoring in
the effects of such cuts on elderly whites too. They are for stricter
punishments for first time and minor offences, because minorities are more
likely to be first time offenders. On social issues, they tend to swing any
which way their favorite politician leans at any given time; that is why they
cheer when Donald Trump insults or makes derogatory comments about women. They
tend to separate their wives, mothers and sisters from the “women” at the
receiving end of Trump’s insults; they see them as “those women” and not as “all
women”. They support increases in
defense spending and reduction in other essential services, like education and
health care; they are more likely to stick to their decisions, or ideas, than
admit that it is wrong-headed and detrimental to their persons, families and
It is very important to point out here that within this
class of low income, lower class, and minimal education white men are many who
care less about the economic and political state of the nation, and more about
working and educating their way into the middle class. They are comfortable as part
of mainstream America; they are more likely to stay longer on their jobs and
take full advantage of whatever benefits it may offer. Also, they plan and work
towards a better life for their children. They are less likely to spend their
precious times worrying about walls on the nation’s borders and exclusions at
the airports. It is, equally, rare to find this group of white males at a
Donald Trump or Ted Cruz rallies.
A Fertile Ground
Anyhow one looks at the situation, and if one decides to be
honest and impartial to oneself, one will come to the conclusion that the
reasons these so-called angry white men give for their “anger” cannot be
justified. Unfortunately, these groups of people are easily swayed and deceived
by one-chance charismatic politicians, like Donald Trump, who reinforce their
erroneous belief that the country is going to hell in a hand basket, without
taking out time to analyze the substance of his message – if any. Because they
are like fertile ground waiting for seedling, when a politician like Trump
comes around, he or she does not have to offer any evidence of his repeated
claim of a fallen nation, because these are already beliefs harbored and
ingrained in the minds of his target audience. All he has to do is amplify the
message, sometimes with the help of a section of the media – social and
otherwise, and the people will follow him. The world witnessed people like
these in Italy and Germany in the 1930s, and the results of their blind
following are still reverberating across many continents today.
It is up to the rest of the non-angry white American men,
who are more educated, more focused on a better career and family life for
themselves, and more understanding of social and economic dynamics to help
educate their brethren, and warn them of the errors of their beliefs, and the misplacement
of their trusts; because, when the chips eventually fall, the biggest losers
will be these same angry white men.
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